Mac Paton 1931 - 2019
Inducted 2005 Baseball
Mac began his organized baseball career in Riceton in 1949. He played with Garth Boesch, Bob Diekrager, Gerald O’Brien and George Spry. When the Riceton team folded in 1961, he, Dan Diekrager and Hartley McKim joined the Gray Gophers.
At 6’4” Mac’s first base reach saved many a double play (just ask his throwing teammates – Bill Gillis, Manley Lafoy and others) and his bat seemed particularly long and heavy (according to the bat boys at the time!). A tag by Mac was ‘felt’ and timely home runs seemed to be his specialty. Mac played with competitiveness and desire and expected the same of others. Mac’s teammates appreciated his devotion and recognized his expectation that everyone play to the ‘best of their ability’. That ‘big bat’ was appreciated by his teammates and respected throughout the league. |